
Crystal Services
Crystal Services

Construction company based in Calgary, AB.

The original site was not up to the current standards and needed a redesign.

I created a new layout, updating the UI, and also creating a backend server for integrating future services.

1st Class
1st Class Before and After

Before and after care as well as preschool based in Calgary with several locations in the city.

Site takeover.

At the takeover, I cleaned up the code from any unnecessary elements and services. Updating images and text and fixing issues from missed configured elements.

We are working to integrate new features.

EM Painters
EM Painters Inc

Painting company in Calgary.

New company that required a web presence, design, and branding.

The objective was to have a fairly simple design creating results on a limited budget.

I started by creating the branding and setting a color palette based on the client’s preferences. This leads us to determine layout & design.

Jemm Group
JEMM Group Inc.

General construction and remodeling company.

The company did not have a web presence and therefore required a site that met their needs.

Created a site design respecting the client's parameters for colors and features.

Public Notary
Notaria 29

Public notary in Cancun, Mexico.

The original site was old and looked dated. It no longer served its purpose and required new features.

I took over the website and modernized the design, layout, and overall creating a better user experience.


Keystone project showcasing different features including: user login, error and success messaging, database access, to name a few.

It is RESTful App that shows the possibilities that can be achieved.

RGB Game
RGB Color Game

Simple RGB color guessing game intended to demonstrate the use of CSS and JS


This site is intended to demonstrate basic CSS layout using grid system.

Movie Database
Movie DB

This project shows the use of API DataBase and Node.js server. Code can be seen in my github.

Simple Blog

Simple Blog site showing RESTful routing and DataBase. Code can be seen in my github.

Patatap Clone
Patatap Clone

Clone of the famous Patatap Site.

This is a very fun App that allows you to create sounds by pressing the letters on your keyboard.

Try it out!

About Me

I'm a Canadian based Web Developer crafting simple, practical and elegant solutions for both front and back-end to achieve a great user experience.

I have always been drawn to the tech world. Since I was young, I was involved with computers and networks. I started a company dedicated to IT.
While developing my creative side, I found Culinary Arts and fate had me go down that path, following a passion to create.
Some years went by and fate did it's thing again. I was back in the tech world, but this time following my passion to create and develop
a modern and exciting user experience.


2020 Davo Cloud Developments